Welcome to CREDO

Aix-Marseille University, CNRS, EHESS, CREDO UMR 7308, 13003, Marseille, France


CREDO is a pluri-disciplinary centre for research and documentation specialized in Pacific Studies, in particular in anthropology, archaeology, history, ethnolinguistics and ethnomusicology.

Members of CREDO are staff of three institutions: the CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research), EHESS (School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences) and AMU (Aix-Marseille University). 

CREDO staff teach and enrol students at all levels at the EHESS and at Aix-Marseille University.


New publications (books) and public lectures 

Publication d'ouvrages

Latest news


Call for papers
13th ESfO Conference
Ajaccio, Corsica, 2 to 5 June 2022
CREDO - University of Verona

 "Material and Immaterial in Motion"

More information


The CREDO Seminar series: "Actualité de la recherche en Océanie"

The seminar takes place on Friday from 10 to 12:30 by videoconference (given the health context)
Program and information

Publication from CREDO members

Publication from CREDO members are available below (HAL SHS open database dedicated to the stockage and diffusion of scientific papers) 
 Accès aux listes


Scientific mediation

All information on scientific mediation


Focus on particular CREDO research projects, with news, developments and updates

(Online Digital Sources and Annotation System) , the platform developped by the Credo (Laurent Dousset) contains now more than 200 000 files and 60 collections


Ongoing projects

ANR « Cooliebrokers : L’intermédiation dans l’organisation du travail migrant au sein de l’empire colonial français d’Asie et du Pacifique, du début du 19e au milieu du 20e siècle »ANR « Cooliebrokers : L’intermédiation dans l’organisation du travail migrant au sein de l’empire colonial français d’Asie et du Pacifique, du début du 19e au milieu du 20e siècle »
With assistance from Paris 7, IRASIA, INALCO ads EFE.  Isabelle Merle for CREDO

Deep Histories of Sahul (DHOS) : Socio-cultural diversification in Melanesia and AustraliaDeep Histories of Sahul (DHOS): Socio-cultural diversification in Melanesia and Australia
With assistance from DRI CNRS and the Australian National University

Waves of Words
Funding: ARC (2018-2021) LogoARCLaurent Dousset and australian colleagues (University of Western Sydney and ANU) 


pacstudiespacific-studies.net : a result of the ECOPAS programme, this plateform is a harvester of ressources and expertise on the Pacific


Corail logoLabex Corail (Laboratory of Excellence) for "Coral reefs in the face of global change" (CORAIL) has been set up in order to improve research into coral reefs


e toile

e-Toile Pacifique (Network of francophone Pacific Studies)


LogoARCAustKin: database and mapping of Australian kinship and social organisation. Co-funded by the Australian Research Council; in collaboration with ANU


ODSAS: Online Digital Sources and Annotation Systems is an archival platform developped by the center for storing and manipulating reserach documents

For more information on collaborations, click here