Matteo Gallo
- Details
- Last Updated: Tuesday, 15 November 2022 15:57

Status: ATER, Aix-Marseille Université, département d’anthropologie
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Profil Academia:
PhD graduate in Anthropology at University of Verona, Padova and Venezia
Academic records
2020-2022: Post-doc in Social Anthropology
Musée du Quai Branly – Jacques Chirac – Paris Département de la Recherche e de L’enseignement.
Research Project: Le kaneka de Nouvelle-Calédonie: circulation de connaissances, réveil de cosciences.
Subjects: Music, Arts, Youth, Cultural Practices, Heritage, New Caledonia, Oceania.
2016-2020: PhD (with scholarship) in Anthropology
University of Verona , Padova and ‘Ca Foscari of Venezia
Research project: Living Wisdoms in Forest. Connections and cultural practices of Youth among the Kanak of Wëté valley, New Caledonia. Subjects: Youth, Cultural Heritage, Historical Anthropology , New Caledonia, Oceania.Tutor: Anna Maria Paini (University of Verona)
2016-2017: Etnofilm, Ethnographic Documentary and Cinema School
Centro studi sull’Etnodramma, Monselice (PD), Italy
2016: Post-Graduate Degree in Cultural Anthropolgy
La Sapienza University, Roma, Italy
Thesis: The gates of history. Valorization dynamics in the valley of Weté (New Caledonia)
Subjects: cultural heritage, Archeology and Anthropology, Oceania. Tutor: Anna Iuso & Matteo Aria
Evaluation : 110/110 cum laudae
2013: Under-graduate Degree in Cultural Anthropology
La Sapienza University, Roma, Italy
Thesis: Urban Anthropology in France. Historical perspectives and recent paths. Subjects: urban Anthropology in France Tutor: Alberto Mario Sobrero
Evaluation : 110/110 cum laudae
2010: Diploma in Humanities
Classical Lyceum Plauto, Roma.
Evalutation : 83/100
Research experience
2019-2020: Visiting Student Fellowship in Marseille, France
(November-February), AMU (Aix- Marseille Universitè) EHESS CREDO, Research and archival consultation at the Centre de Recherche et Documentation sur L’Oceanie
2017-2018: Fieldwork research in New Caledonia, Oceania
(August-May) 10 months of PhD fieldwork with scholarship from University of Verona
2017: Collaboration in the research project ATLAS#Veronetta, Verona, Italy
(February-May) Freelance collaboration Subjects: Urban anthropology and Architecture Partners: University of Verona, Universitè Paris La Villette, Alteritas
2015: Fieldwork research in New Caledonia, Oceania
(February- September) Erasmus+ project within the partnership of University “La Sapienza” of Rome and Université de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Subjects: Anthropology of Heritage and History
2013: Fieldwork Research in Paris, France
(July-September) Graduate thesis research at University
Subjects: Urban anthropology, History
2013: Urban Anthropology research in Paris, France
Thesis: Tunisian Jews of Bellville
2012-2013: Erasmus in Paris, France
(Academic year) Université “Paris Ouest”, Nanterre La Défence (France)
Département d’Anthropologie et Ethnomusicologie
2011: Research trip to Ghana
(October-November) Sponsored by MEIG ( Missione Etnologica Italiana in Ghana), University “La Sapienza” of Rome and Slow food.
Subjects: Etno-culinary research for the project : the storage of the world, Slow Food.
Tutors and Coordinators: M. Pavanello, M.C. Cristofaro, S. Maltese
Teaching experience
2020: University lesson, Un. “La Sapienza” di Roma,
18th November
Titled: “La ricerca etnografica in Nuova Caledonia tra partecipazione, posizionamento e restituzione”
2020: Teaching program, Università “La Sapienza” di Roma
For exams of Cultural ANthropology I and II, and DEA MV of prof. Matteo Aria (LM SARAS, Lettere e Filosofia)
2020: Member of the graduation commission, Università “La Sapienza” di Roma
30th March.
Graduatio session of Corso di Studi SAR e DISCIPLINE DEA
2019: Teaching program within PhD program
(12 hours) (February-March) University of Verona, Italy
2019: University lesson
16th of January, titled “Rino, Bonjour et Adieu. The documentary and ethnographic
research within personal memory and the collective memory”. Presentation of the Documentary “Rino, bonjour et adieu” for the class “Anthropology of Memory” by Professor A. Iuso for M.A. students of Anthropology and Ethnography. University “La Sapienza, Rome”, Italy.
2019 : University lesson - University “La Sapienza, Rome”, Italy
7th of January
titled “Capitalization of History, the example of the petroglyphs of New Caledonia” for the class “Anthropology and History” by Professor A. Iuso for M.A. students of Anthropology and Ethnography
2018 : Workshop titled “the Anthropologist toolbox: methods and instruments for fieldwork”28th of September (with Bianca Pastori), an open laboratory illustrating audiovisual resourced as fieldwork tools. The lab was held during the event “The Researchers Night”.
2014 : University lesson titled “ Urban Anthropology in France” 16th of April for the course “Anthropology of the City” by Professor A.M.Sobrero during a.y. 2013/2014 for the BA students of Anthropology, Cultural and Religious Studies. University “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy
Titles and awards
2020-2022: Post-doc scholarship in Social Anthropology Musée du Quai Branly – Jacques Chirac
2020: Honorary fellowship (Cultore della Materia) in Cultural AnthropologyDepartment of Anthropology , History , Cultural and Religious studies University “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy.
2016-2019: Scholarship in PhD in Historical, Geographical and Anthropological studies, University of Verona, Italy
2016: Degree of Excellence Cum Laudae a.y. 2014-2015, Humanities Department University “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy
2015: Erasmus Scholarship in New Caledonia(Feb.- Sept.), Université de la Nouvelle Calédonie (UNC), Nouméa.
2014-2015 : Scholarship for Best Academic Curriculae (A.Y.) Humanities Department University “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy
2015: Best Short film award Jan.) With the film Rino, Bonjour et Adieu at “Memoria Corta” film festival “Casa della Memoria”, Rome, Italy.
2013: C1 certificate in French Language (Sept.) Ministère de L’éducation Nationale (France)
2012-2013: Erasmus Scholarship in Paris, France (A.Y.) Université “Paris Ouest” Nanterre, La Défence
2011: Scholarship for Ghana fieldwork (Oct.-Nov.)
M.E.I.G., Slow Food partnered with the Humanities Department of University “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy
Scientific journal contribution
2020...: Member of editorial team of Maree, percorsi di AntropologiaScientific series of the publishing house PROSPERO, Milan, Italy
2019...: Member of editorial team of Journal of Contemporary Anthropology Biannual Journal published by IL MULINO, Bologna, Italy
2011- 2018: Member of editorial team of PrimaPersona Biannual publication from the National Diaristic Archive of Pieve Santo Stefano (AR). Issues : 24-30
Editor in peer reviewed journals
2021: ARIA, M., GALLO, M. & G. TUZZI, Musical awakenings and political struggles in Oceania. Anthropological and ethnomusicological perspectives, special issue L’uomo, Roma, Carrocci (à paraître).
Scientific publications
2021: GALLO, M, 2021, « Une jeune musique pour une nation jeune. La démarche d’affirmation d’une musique identitaire kanak », in L’Uomo (à paraître).
2020 : GALLO, M, 2020, « Non tenere la bocca chiusa. Il ruolo dell’invisibile nelle pratiche giovanili di riappropriazione del passato in Nuova Caledonia » in Rivista di Antropologia Contemporanea n.2, pp-4-26.
2018 : GALLO, M., PAINI, A. 2018, “Gérer le passé pour façonner l’avenir à Wëté et Drueulu”, in Journal de la Société des Oceanistes “La Nouvelle-Calédonie au rendez-vous avec l’Histoire”, pp. 133-147.
2018 : GALLO, M. 2018, “Le pietre ricordano. Una storia sui pétroglyphes della Nuova Caledonia”, in IUSO, Patrimonializzare la storia, ed. CISU
2016 : GALLO, M. 2016, “Il ritorno di Caa Pwädé. Un caso di restituzione negoziata del sapere antropologico in Nuova-Caledonia”, in L’uomo Società tradizione e sviluppo, ed. Carrocci, Roma.
Non scientific publication
2016: GALLO, 2016, “Cronache di Taragalte. Marocco, un festival rende fertile il deserto nel Tamazgha”, reportage on Q CODE MAGAZINE and on DROME MAGAZINE.- the-region-of-tamazgha/
Films / Audiovisual production

2019: “Taking shelter in the forest” (Wëté – New Caledonia)Suject: everyday life in the forest where a group of young people decide to reenact their past by renegotiating public stereotypes about the oblivion of tradition. . Presented at RAI Film Festival 2019
2016: “Passavamo sulla terra leggeri” (Mamoiada, Tonara –Sardegna)Subject: through sensory anthropology the documentary shows the construction of the ancient carnival costume of Mamoiada, the Mammuthones ( Selected at several festivals : Festifal “Festival de cortos tématica rural”,
2017: Urréa de Gaen, (Spagna); Etnofilm Festival 2017, di Monselice (PD); Convegno-Rassegna Materiali di Antropologia Visiva (MAV), “La Sapienza” Roma, 2018; International EthnoVideographic Festival, Museo Etnogràfico de Castilla y Leon, Spagna, 2019.
2014: “Rino, Bonjour et Adieu” (Parigi) Subject: Homage to the life of Rino, an Italian -partisan, migrated to France who found home in the Red Star (Saint-Ouen) football team and who was executed by Nazis at the age of 21. ).Winner of Best short film (Premio Miglior Cortometraggio) at Festival “Memoria Corta” second Edition in 2015.
Scientific conference participation
2021: Meeting ASAO - Virtual ConferenceInformal Session in Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania: “The End of Oblivion Continuities and Discontinuities in Oceania’s Pasts” (4th -7th of February).
2020: Inauguration of the XXVIth Doctorate cycle in Studi Storici, Geografici e Antropologici(webinar) 8th of October.
2020: Conference at Dottorato in Studi Storici, Geografici e Antropologici19th of June Un. Padova, Un. Verona e “Ca Foscari” Venezia (Webinar)“Come scrive una tesi di dottorato” host by prof. Giulia Albanese and Mauro Varotto for Ph.D. students.
2020: Conference CREDO – Un. Marseille (Webinar)12th of June Titled : « Dui et Dieu, le gardien de la forêt et le patron de l’Église. La place des jeunes dans la transmission des savoirs en Nouvelle-Calédonie ».
2019: International Conference at Verona University, Italy29th of April “New Caledonia. Anthropological and juridical perspectives”In collaboration with La Maison de la Nouvelle-Calédonie and AESKP from Paris.
2019: International Conference at “La Sapienza” University of Roma, Italy19thof April.“Music, Memories and freedom in the French Overseas. Crossing and comparingAnthropological and Ethnomusicologist perspectives. Title of the Conference : “Le Chemin du kanéka, entre revendication identitaire et politiques culturelles".
2019: 16th RAI Film Festival (Royal Anthropological Institute) 27th - 30th March. Watershed / Bristol (UK)“Youth-centered frames: visual collaborations and participatory techniques in the research with young people”.Title: “Taking shelter in the forest. Filming the kanak youth of Wëté (New-Caledonia)”
2018: 12th European Society for Oceanists 2018 Conference ESfO – Cambridge 2018 7t - 10th December (UK)“Dealing with Inequality: Pacific perspectives, Pacific futures”Title: “Coming Of Age. Crossing the Jeunesse Kanak boundaries”
2018: Mav – Materiali di Antropologia Visiva, Rome, Italy22nd - 24th November Istituto Centrale per la Demoetnoantropologia at Museum of Popular Arts and Traditional Folklore , Luigi Pigorini , Rome, Italy.Title of documentary: « Passavamo sulla Terra Leggeri »
2018: École D’été - Paris 1 Sorbonne (INHA), France 2nd - 6th July « Savoir et savoir-faire. Connaissances intellectuelles et compétences pratiques ».Title : « La construction des savoirs en Nouvelle-Calédonie: naissance des institutions de la culture kanak ».
2017: V Convegno Nazionale di Antropologia Applicata (SIAA) University of Catania, Italy14th- 17thNovember. Title : « Doing Fieldwork in New Caledonia today. Sharing, partage and negotiation ».
2017: Seminar at Università “La Sapienza”, Roma, Italy 22nd of March. Titled “Quando le pietre ricordano. Una storia dei pétroglyphes della Nuova Caledonia”,within the “Patrimonializzazione della Storia”.
2017: Conference at University Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Italy17th of March. Title : « All along the watchtower. Ostacoli, limiti e censure della ricerca storico-sociale”. 2016: Seminar at “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy 16th of March.Title: “ Le Porte della Storia: I petroglyphes della Nuova Caledonia”, during the series of talks “Usi del Passato ed Etnografia in Oceania”.
Organization scientific conferences
2019-2022: Scientific Board ESfO 2022 - Ajaccio Corsica (FR) European Society for Oceanists – Verona University And AMU-CREDO, Marseille
2020: Conference – Università “La Sapienza” di Roma15th February. “I Pirati dell’Illuminismo, A proposito dell’ultimo libro di David Graeber”,with Andrea Breda (Elèuthera), Vincent Guigueno (Musée du Quai Branly), Maurizio Esposito La Rossa (Cambridge University). Opening day of the seminar series "Maritime Radicalism and Anthropology of the Seas". (Curriculum antropologico A.A. 2020-2021).
2019: International seminar – University of Padova 9th of May. “Crossing the Colour Line in a Colonial Setting. History and memory of racial mobilities in a Kanak-white family in New Caledonia”.Adrian Muckle (Victoria Un. Wellington), Benoit Trépied (EHESS, Paris)
2019: Demo-ethno-Anthropological Laboratory – University of Venice, Italy30th of April. Documentary screening and debate “Au noms du père, du fils et des ésprits”, in collaboration with la Maison de la Nouvelle-Calédonie and the AESKP of Parigi.
2019: Conference- University of Verona, Italy 29th of April. “Nuova Caledonia. Prospettive antropologiche e giuridiche” in collaboration with la Maison de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, AESKP of Paris.
2019: International Conference – University “La Sapienza” of Rome, Italy12th of April. “Musiche Memorie e libertà nell’Oltremare francese. Prospettive antropologiche eetnomusicologiche a confronto”
2018: 1°National Convention SIAC- University “La Sapienza” of Rome, Italy8th-9th of November Titled: “Razza, razzismi, discriminazioni razziali. Il contributo dell’antropologia culturalealla riflessione contemporanea”
2017: Conference at University Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Italy17th of March. Title : « All along the watchtower. Ostacoli, limiti e censure della ricerca storico-sociale”.
2015: Seminar at “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy 15th-16th of January. Titled “Ricerche d’Oceania, Prospettive dall’Italia. Convegno Inaugurale dell’accordo quadro fra Sapienza Università di Roma e l’Université de la Nuvelle-Calédonie.
Public events organization
2020: Broadcast “Melanésia 2000”19th December. Digital event organized with LAKA’Z EN LIVE and FESTIN COMM’UN on live streaming
Professional service and consulting
Reviewer for American Anthropologist and Journal de la Société des Océanistes
Professional memberships
European Society for Oceanists (ESfO)
Italian (mother tongue), English (fluent), French (fluent), Paicî (elementary)