Fabienne Labbé

Status: Postdoctoral Fellow

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Maison Asie Pacifique
Université d'Aix-Marseille
3 place Victor Hugo
13003 Marseille France


PhD from the School for Advanced Study in Social Sciences (EHESS, Paris)
"VIH, stigmatisation et honte aux îles Fidji"
Directed by Laurent Dousset and Christine Jourdan (Concordia University) 
Defended on December 8, 2020


Research interests

Medical anthropology, illness experience, HIV/AIDS, people living with HIV and AIDS, emotions, gender, sexuality, sexual identity, applied and engaged anthropology

Fiji, New Caledonia, Melanesia


2013: fieldwork on the experiences of people living with HIV in Fiji – follow-up study (PhD dissertation research, 2 months)

2007-2008: fieldwork on the experiences of people living with HIV in Fiji (PhD dissertation research, 14 months)

2004: fieldwork on the prevention of HIV in New Caledonia (Master’s thesis research, 3 months)

International collaborations

Since October 2018 : Assistant Editor, Journal Anthropologie et Sociétés, Université Laval, Quebec, Canada.

January 2016 – June 2018 : Research Officer for the project "Bridewealth in the World", Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.

March 2015  – November 2015 : Health Specialist for the European Consortium for Pacific Studies, a multidisciplinary project funded by the European Union designed to provide coordination and support to research and policy communities on issues related to the Pacific Islands region.

January 2012 – November 2013: Book review editor and board member of Student Anthropologist, the journal of the American Association of Student Anthropologists.

September 2009 – December 2011: Co-convenor of the Pacific Islands Group Seminar, with Christine Jourdan (Concordia University) and Eric Waddell (Laval University).

November 2006 – May 2007: Consultant intern, HIV & STI section, Public Health Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Noumea, New Caledonia.


Book, co-editor

HARDIN Jessica, Fabienne LABBÉ and Laura A. THOMPSON (eds.), 2013, Student Anthropologist, Volume 3, Number 2.

HARDIN Jessica, Fabienne LABBÉ, Laura A.THOMPSON and Brent VICKERS (eds.), 2012, Student Anthropologist, Volume 3, Number 1.


LABBÉ Fabienne, 2015, " 'J'en ai tellement marre d'aller à la clinique tous les mois!' : VIH, antirétroviraux et prise en charge médicale aux îles Fidji", Journal de la Société des Océanistes, 141 : 283-301.

LABBÉ Fabienne et Sandra Revolon, 2015, "In memoriam Pierre Maranda (1930-2015)", Journal de la Société des Océanistes, 141 : 367-368.

LABBÉ Fabienne, Sarah-Amélie MERCURE, Amélie BÉDARD, Emmanuelle BÉDARD, Françoise CÔTÉ and the participants of Projet LUNE, 2013, « Aider, s’aider, s’entraider : expériences de femmes travailleuses du sexe de rue et utilisatrices de drogues par injection dans une recherche-action participative visant la prévention du VIH », Drogues, santé et sociétés, 12 (1) : 93-117.

LABBÉ Fabienne, 2012, "Living with HIV in Fiji: Highlights from a qualitative study (Part 2)", Pacific AIDS Alert Bulletin, 39, 7-10.

LABBÉ Fabienne, 2012, “Living with HIV in Fiji: Highlights from a qualitative study (Part 1)”, Pacific AIDS Alert Bulletin, 38, 6-8.

LABBÉ Fabienne, 2012, "Vivre avec le VIH aux Fidji : une étude qualitative (Deuxième partie)", Alerte au sida en Océanie, 39, 7-10.

LABBÉ Fabienne, 2012, "Vivre avec le VIH aux Fidji : une étude qualitative (Première partie)", Alerte au sida en Océanie, 28, 6-8.

Research report

LABBÉ Fabienne, 2011, Living with HIV and AIDS: Perspectives of women and men in Fiji. Report prepared for the Fiji National Health Research Committee, Ministry of Health. 70 pages.

Book reviews

LABBÉ Fabienne, 2010, Book review of R. Mendès-Leite and M. Banens, 2006, Vivre avec le VIH. Paris, Calmann-Lévy, Anthropologie et Sociétés :

(accessible online: http://www.fss.ulaval.ca/CMS_Recherche/upload/ant_soc/fichiers/compte_rendu_rommel_mendes_leitte_et_maks_banens_2006.pdf)

LABBÉ Fabienne, 2006, Book review of M. Cros, 2005, Résister au sida. Récits du Burkina Faso. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, Anthropologie et Sociétés, 30 (1) : 265-266.

Others contributions

Christine JOURDAN, Alexis BLACK and Fabienne LABBE, 2017 , "Bridewealth in the World: An Online Database Designed to Unite Resources Concerning the Practice of Bridewealth in the World." Concordia University, http://bridewealth.org.

Pierre MARANDA, Fabienne LABBÉ, Sandra REVOLON and Julie AYOTTE, 2005, Ethnographic database, artefacts from the Solomon Islands, Collection Pierre Maranda, Musée de la civilisation du Québec, Quebec, Canada.


Papers and conference presentations

2018, "Managing stigma and shame: The moral experience of people living with HIV in Fiji", Conference of the Canadian Anthropology Society, (17/05/2018), Santiago, Cuba. 

2017, "Biosocality in Fiji : The case of support groups for people living with HIV", 11th Conference of the European Society for Oceanists", (02/07/2017), Munich, Germany.

2017, "Bridewealth and 7the reproductive autonomy of women : The case of young educated women in Honiara, Solomon Islands", (with Christine Jourdan), 11th Conference of the European Society for Oceanists, (01/07/2017), Munich, Germany.

2015, "HIV, biomedicine and the way of the clinic in Fiji", Europe and the Pacific, 10th Conference of the European Society for Oceanists, (25/06/2015), Brussels, Belgium.

2015, " 'Parce que notre foi guérit' : foi, pratiques religieuses et 'guérison' chez les personnes vivant avec le VIH aux îles Fidji, ", Ce que guérir veut dire: Expériences, significations, politiques et technologies de la guérison, Colloque international de l'association AMADES (Anthropologie médicale appliquée au développement et à la santé), (28/05/2015), Université d'Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada et Centre Norbert Elias, Marseille, France.

2012, “Accessing support, managing conflicts: HIV support groups in Fiji”, Sexualities, Sexual Rights, and HIV in Papua New Guinea and the Pacific. A workshop symposium with Professor Gilbert Herdt, (13/07/2012), Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.

2010, “Étudier l’infection à VIH dans le Pacifique : bilan et perspectives”, Colloque Livre Blanc des recherches en sciences humaines et sociales sur le Pacifique, (10/03/2010), CNRS, Paris, France.

2009, “Contributing to the well-being of patients. Anthropology, health policy-making and HIV in Fiji”, Conference of the Society for Medical Anthropology, (27/09/2009), Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, United States.

2007, “‘Participer autrement’ : enjeux de la recherche et de la restitution des données dans le contexte de l’épidémie de VIH/sida”, Workshop The repatriation of material and immaterial patrimonies. A comparative approach Canada / Melanesia, (08/09/2007), Interuniversity Centre for Aboriginal Studies and Research, Laval University, Quebec, Canada.

2006, “Imaginaire de la maladie, imaginaire de la sexualité. Les jeunes Kanak de Nouméa (Nouvelle-Calédonie) face au sida”, Panel Off the Beaten Track: HIV/AIDS in ‘Odd’ Places, Conference of the Canadian Anthropological Society, (10/05/2006), Montreal, Canada.

2004, “Deconstructing the myth of authenticity: artistic influences, borrowings and exchanges in the Solomon Islands”, Congress of the Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania, (26/02/2004), Salem, Massachusetts, United States.


2017, "Négocier la honte aux îles Fidji", (04/07/2017), Centre de recherche et de documentation sur l'Océanie, Marseille, France.

2014, "Vivre avec le VIH aux Fidji: honte, quête de soins et activisme", Pacific Islands Group Seminar, Quebec, Canada.

2013, "Living with HIV and AIDS: Perspectives of women and men in Fiji", (05/23/2013), Fiji Network for People Living with HIV and AIDS, Suva, Fiji.

2010, “Facteurs de vulnérabilité au VIH à Fidji : perspectives d’hommes et de femmes vivant avec l’infection”, (19/11/2010), Centre for Research and Documentation on Oceania, Marseille, France.

2010, “Alcool, boîtes de nuit et ‘promiscuité’? Récits de contraction et facteurs de vulnérabilité au VIH à Fidji”, (06/04/2010), Interuniversity Centre for Aboriginal Studies and Research, Laval University, Quebec, Canada.

2007, “Lecture critique des statistiques épidémiologiques et pistes de recherche pour une étude sur le sida à Fidji”, (26/10/2012), Pacific Islands Group Seminar, Quebec, Canada.

2006, “Du ‘tabou’ à la ‘libération de la parole’ : VIH/sida, sexualité et changement social chez les jeunes Kanak de Nouméa (Nouvelle-Calédonie)”, (03/03/2006), Centre for Research and Documentation on Oceania, Marseille, France.

2004, “Les arts à Malaita : données provenant de la collection Pierre Maranda”, (16/01/2004), Centre for Research and Documentation on Oceania, Marseille, France.

Organized Sessions/Workshops

 2018, with Alice Servy and Holly Wardlow, "Inequalities in Health: Pacific Perspectives", 12th Conference of the European Society for Oceanists, (12/10/2018), Cambridge, United Kingdom.

2018, with Christitine Jourdan, "Contrapuento: Regards croisés sur la pratique du prix de la fiancée", Canadian Anthropology Society (05/17/2018), Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.


Teaching experiences

2018: Guest lecturer on the anthropology of emotions for the course "Theory of culture" (two classe sessions), Department of Anthropology, Laval University, Quebec, Canada. 

2010-2012: Guest lecturer for the courses “Anthropology of Oceania” (two class sessions) and “Anthropological fieldworks and practices” (two class sessions) (in French), Department of Anthropology, Laval University, Quebec, Canada.

2004: Teaching assistant for Bernard Arcand for the courses “Sexualities and cultures” and “Structural analysis in anthropology” (in French), Department of Anthropology, Laval University, Quebec, Canada.


Since January 2006: PhD in social and cultural anthropology at the School for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences, under the supervision of Laurent Dousset, Christine Jourdan and Simonne Pauwels. Dissertation preliminary title: “Living with HIV in Fiji: Culture, Health and Difference"

2005: Master of Arts (M.A.) in anthropology, Laval University, Quebec, Canada.

2003: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in anthropology, Laval University, Quebec, Canada.


Fellowships and awards

Doctoral fellowships:

Fondation Desjardins, Programme Girardin-Vaillancourt, 2009-2010.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 2006-2009.

Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture, 2005-2006.

Master’s scholarships:

Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture, 2004-2005.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 2003-2004.