Maurice Godelier

Status: Professor EHESS Emeritus

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190-198 avenue de France
75244 Paris cedex 13

tel : 33(0)4 13 55 07 32


Among the Baruya, a group living in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea from 1967 to 1969; 1971, 1974, 1975, 1979, 1980, 1988.

Academic employment:

1986 Professor at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. Chair: Comparative analysis of social logics of production and power structures.

1982-1986 Scientific Director of the French National Center for Scientific Research: Head of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences.

1975-1982 Professor at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. Chair: Anthropology and Economics.

1971-1975 Assistant-Professor at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales.

1967-1970 Fieldwork in Papua New Guinea as fellow of the French National Center for Scientific Research.

1963-1966 Senior-Lecturer at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, working with Professor Claude Lévi-Strauss.

1963 Lecturer at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes des Sciences Sociales, working with Professor Fernand Braudel.

1964 Senior Professor at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes des Sciences Sociales.

1999-2000 Former Scientific Director of the Musée du Quai Branly.


Ecole Normale Supérieure.
Licence de Psychologie (Paris, Université de La Sorbonne)
Licence de Lettres (Paris, Université de La Sorbonne)
Agrégation de Philosophie.
Honorary Fellow in the Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania
Former Vice-President of the Scientific Society for the Study of Oceanian Cultures.
Vice-president of the Conseil National de Coordination des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société.
Chargé de Mission of the Prime Minister for the Europeanization of Social Sciences, 1991.
Member of the Comité de Pilotage and of the scientifique staff of the project « ECHO » (Encyclopédie Culturelle Hypermédia de l'Océanie) (1997-).
Co-responsible of the European Project ECHO (European Cultural Heritage On Line), for the project of : "Non-European Components of European Patrimony" (2002-2004)
Member of the Advisory Group on Social Sciences and Humanities for the High European Commissioner for Research, M. Philippe Busquin (2002-2006).
Member of the Jury « Chaires Internationales Blaise Pascal », Ecole Normale Supérieure (2003-2011).
Member of the Scientific Board of the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie (2003)
Member of the Scientific Board of the virtual exposition de Peuples des eaux, gens des îles. - L'OCÉANIE ( (2003-).
President of the Piloting Scientific Committee of the Multidisciplinary Research « Contexte de la Sexualité en France » (CSF) of the ANRS, research conducted by the INSERM and the INED (2003-).
President of the Société des Océanistes (2004-).
Member of the Ethical Committee of the CIRAD (2004-).
Member of the Scientific Board of the Pôle TIAC (Turkey, Iran, Central Asia) of the Ministry of Foreing Affairs (2004-).
President of the Scientific Board of the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Paris Nord (2004-).
Member of the Scientific Board of the Palais de la Découverte (2004-).
Member of the Scientific Board of the Exposition « Naissances », Musée de l’Homme, exposition : from 9 November 2005 to 4 September 2006.
President of the « Conseil Consultatif de la Recherche, de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Technologie et de l’Innovation (CCRRESTI) de la Région Ile de France » (2005--).
Adjunct professor without remuneration, Arizona State University (2005-)
Membre du conseil scientifique de la Fondation Alliance BioSecure (2006-)
President of the « National Commission to Celebrate 20th Century American Artists in France » of the ASHE Foundation (2006).
President of the Cultural and Scientific Commission for the « All American Museum for Cultural Diversity », to be built in the City of Lauderhill (2006).
Member of the Scientific Board of the Centre of Gai, Lesbian, bi- and trans- Archives of Paris (2007).
Honorary Member of the Association TV Sciences Communication, and Member of the Scientific and Educational Board (2008)
Member of the Board of Experts of the association CLARA (2008-).
Member of theSponsoring Board for the international Colloquium « Relire Jean-Pierre Vernant », Paris 9 - 11 October 2008.
Member of the Board of the colloquium on "Archaeology in mouvement", CNRS, 23 to 25 June 2010
Member of the Editorial Board of HAU, Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 2011.
Honorary Member of the Association "Espace", 2011.
Member of the Scientific Board of the Forum Européen de Bioéthique, 2011.
Honorary Member of the Association "Espaces", 2011.
Honorary Member of the Society « ESPACES », 2011.
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialtheorie und Philosophie.
Member of the Scientific Board of the revue Mondes Contemporains.
Member of the group of experts of the project « Emergence » (city of Paris).
Member of the Editorial Board of the Chinese revue Ethno-national Studies.
Member of the « Comité de Parrainage » of « La revue socialiste universitaire » (2012-)
Member of the « Association des Amis de la FMSH » (2013-).
Doctor Honoris Causae, National Kapodistrian University, Athens (2013).
Member of the Editorial Board of Anthropological Theory (2014-)
Member of the Administrative Board of the Fonds de Dotation « ARPEJE » (Agir sur la Réussite Professionnelle et Educative des Jeunes pour l’Entreprise), 2015-


Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Louvain (Belgium).
International "Von Humboldt" price of Social Sciences, 1990
Doctor Honoris Causa of the University San Marcos (1996).
Honorary Fellow de l’Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania, 1998.
Member of the L’Ordre des Palmes Académiques, 1998 (member n° 89160).
Golden medal of the National Center of Scientific Research, 2001
The "iichiko culture" award, for the book "Metamorphoses de la parenté" (2004).
Honorary Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute (2006)
Honorary Fellow of the Greek Society of Ethnology (2006).
Médaille de Vermeil de la Ville de Paris (2007).
Colloque international in the honour of Maurice Godelier, at the Centre Culturel International de Cerisy-la-Salle. « Horizon de l’anthropologie et trajets de Maurice Godelier ». 20 to 27 June 1969. Direction of the colloquium : Philippe Descola Jacques Hamel et Pierre Lemonnier.
GRAND PRIX DE L’ESSAI 2008 of the SGDL (Société des Gens de Lettres) and the Pris Louis Castex of the Académie Francçaise (2008) for M. Godelier’s book Au fondement des sociétés humaines, ce que nous apprend l’anthropologie. (2008).
‘Prix de l’Union Rationaliste’ 2009 for the whole work of M. Godelier.
Doctor Honoris Causa Kapodistrian university of Athens (2012)
Price of the Foundation Martine Aublet for his book Lévi-Strauss (Le Seuil, 2013).

Editorial responsabilities:

Consulting editor of:

Comparative Studies in Society and History
Previously in charge of editing "the Bibliothèque of Anthropology, Paris, Maspéro publishing House (1970-1980).
Editor of a series of books on Processes of transition at L'Harmattan, publishing House.
Member of the Scientific Council of the revue « PAIDEUMA », edited by the Frobenius Institute.
Maurice Godelier is member of the Scientific Board of the revue Heterotites (Otherness) – Editions of anthropological Critique.
Maurice Godelier is a member of the Scientific Board of the revue Prometeo.
Maurice Godelier is President of the Editorial Committe of the ENS since 2006.
Maurice Godelier is a member of the Scientific Committee of the « Revue Française de Socio-Economie » since 2007.
Member of the scientific board of the revue « Les Cahiers de la Justice » (since 2006).
Member of the Scientific Board of the revue Travail Genre et Sociétés (2007).
Member of the Scientifi Board of the review Revue française de socio-économie (2007-).
Member of the Scientific Board of the electronic Revue Genre, sexualité et société (2008-).
Member of the Scientific Board of the revue Prétentaine.
Member of the Scientific Board of AWAL.
Membrer of the Editorial Board of the new franco-russian review "L'univers de l'homme / Vselennaya cheloveka" (2009-)
Member of the Editorial Board of the CASCA journal Anthropologica.
Member of the Editorial Board of the anthropological journal HAU, 2011.
Direction of the collection "Bibliothèque d'anthropologie" of the Editions du CNRS.
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal for Critical Social Theory and philosophy (2011-)
Member of the Editorial Board du Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialtheorie und Philosophie. (2012-)
Member of the Scientific Board of the revue /*Anthropologie - Revue d'anthropologie culturelle & sociale*/ (edited by the university Paris Descartes).
Director of the collection « Bibliothèque de l’Anthropologie » of the CNRS-editions (2011-)
Member of the Editorial Board of Anthropological Theory (2014-)
Member of the Editorial Board of the revue Cargo (2014-)
Member of the Editing Committee of the revue Psyché.
Member of the Scientific Board of the revue L’Homme.

Visiting professor:

Has given courses or lectures in the following universities:

- USA:
Harvard, Yale, Los Angeles, Chicago, Northwestern University, Austin, Philadelphia, New York (Columbia, City College, New School for Social Research), Arizona State University.
- Canada:
Visiting Professor: Laval (Québec), conferences Montreal, Toronto.
- Europe:
Cambridge, Oxford, Edimbourg, Manchester, Londres (University College, L.S.E.), Amsterdam, Copenhague, Lund, Stockholm, Oslo, Paris, Louvain-La-Neuve, Bruxelles, Frankfort. Madrid, Barcelone, Tarragonne, Saint Jacques de Compostelle, Seville, Lisbonne, Florence, Athènes (EKE, Pandios), Varsovie.
- Asia:
Hanoï, Hong Kong, Pekin.
- Latin America:
Lima, Cuzco, Mexico.
- Oceania:
Port Moresby.