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Status : Postdoctoral fellow, EHESS

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Current academic affiliations

Research Associate, Anthropology Program, School of Social Sciences, University of Waikato (honorary affiliation).

2017-2021: Ph.D. in Educational, Anthropological, and Psychological Sciences, University of Turin (Italy); thesis: The State at the End of the World. Statecraft and Global Warming in Tuvalu, advisor: Prof. Roberto Beneduce;
August 2018-January 2019; October-December 2020: academic visitor, Anthropology Program, School of Social Sciences, University of Waikato, Hamilton (Aotearoa/New Zealand);

2017: 1st level Master‟s degree in Comparative Law, Economics and Finance, International University College of Turin/University of Turin (Italy);

2014-2016: Master‟s Degree in Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, University of Turin, final mark: 110/110 cum laude, thesis recommended for publication;

2011-2014: BA in International Studies, University of Trento (Italy).

Academic awards

  • 30/11/2019: ASAA/NZ 2019 Dr. Cyril Timo Schäfer Memorial Graduate Student Conference Presentation Award, 2nd prize;
  • 7/6/2017: Best dissertation, Master‟s Degree in Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, academic year 2015/2016

Publications in academic books and journals

  • Gaia, o di un‟ecologia senza casa, in E. Leonardi e S. Manghi (eds.), Il clima diseguale, Parma, Battei, in press;
  • Governare le onde. Tuvalu e le conseguenze politiche del riscaldamento globale, a chapter for a collective book edited by M. Giuffrè, S. Marabello, and M. Turci, submitted;


  • Abidjan, 1974. Nel laboratorio di Latour, “Aut aut”, 391, 110-124;
  • L‟autolesionismo nel CPR „Brunelleschi‟ di Torino. Agency, campo e soggettività, “Anuac”, X, 1, 115-137;
  • Stengers Things. Introduzione a un pensiero esigente, in I. Stengers, Nel tempo delle catastrofi. Resistere alla barbarie a venire, Torino, N. Manghi (ed.), Rosenberg & Sellier, 2021, 9-42;
  • Dopo l‟intrusione. Intervista a Isabelle Stengers, in I. Stengers, Nel tempo delle catastrofi. Resistere alla barbarie a venire, Torino, N. Manghi (ed.), Rosenberg & Sellier, 2021, 157-169;


  • Comporre il mondo comune. Latour lettore di Lovelock, “Complessità”, XV, 1, 2020, 336-362;
  • The Nation-State after the Virus, “Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale”, 28(2), 2020, 315-316;


  • Breve introduzione alla lettura di Bruno Latour, “Quaderni di Sociologia”, LXII, 77, 2019, 101-106;
  • Intervista a Bruno Latour, “Quaderni di Sociologia”, LXII, 77, 2019, 107-128;
  • Face à Latour, in B. Latour, Essere di questa terra. Guerra e pace al tempo dei conflitti ecologici, N. Manghi (ed.), Torino, Rosenberg & Sellier, 2019, 7-36.

Edited volumes

  • Bruno Latour, Essere di questa terra. Guerra e pace al tempo dei conflitti ecologici, N. Manghi (ed.), Rosenberg & Sellier, Torino, 2019;
  • Isabelle Stengers, Nel tempo delle catastrofi. Resistere alla barbarie a venire, N. Manghi (ed.), Torino, Rosenberg & Sellier, 2021.

Other publications

Conference papers

  • “Ontologia e tecnica. Descola, Latour, Martin”, paper presented at the annual conference of the Società Italiana di Antropologia Culturale (SIAC), hosted by the University of Rome “la Sapienza”, 22-25 September 2021;
  • “Governing the archipelago. A view from Tuvalu”, paper presented at the online workshop “Making Concepts Ethnographic: Governance in the Pacific”, organized by Tomi Bartole (Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana), 27-28 January 2021;
  • “Governare le onde: Tuvalu e la sovranità nell‟antropocene”, paper presented at the online VIII national conference of the Società di Antropologia Applicata (SIAA), hosted by the University of Parma (Italy), 2-4 December 2020;
  • “The legal production of self-harm in Turin‟s center for the detention of undocumented migrants”, paper presented online at the 3rd international conference of the Society for Medical Anthropology (SMA), a section of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), 9-12 March 2020, University of

Havana, Havana (Cuba);

  • “James Lovelock, etnografo della Terra?”, paper presented online at the international conference “Omaggio a James Lovelock per i suoi cento anni”, 19-21 December 2019, University of Messina, San Marco d‟Alunzio (Italy);
  • “Relocating boundaries. Vaitupu and Kioa”, paper presented at the 44th annual conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists of Aotearoa/New Zealand (ASAA/NZ), “Breaking Boundaries”, 28-30 November 2019, University of Waikato, Whāingaroa/Raglan (Aotearoa/New Zealand);
  • “Making up lives”, paper presented at the 43rd annual conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists of Aotearoa/New Zealand (ASAA/NZ), “Improvising Lives”, 6-7 December 2018, Massey University (Wellington) and Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington (Aotearoa/New Zealand);
  • “L‟accesso alla salute nel CPR „Brunelleschi‟ di Torino: un caso di violenza strutturale”, paper presented at the national conference of the Società Italiana di Antropologia Medica (SIAM), “Un‟antropologia per capire, per agire, per impegnarsi. La lezione di Tullio Seppilli”, 14-16 June 2018, University of

Perugia, Perugia (Italy);

  • “Anthropology as rhetoric: a case study”, paper presented at the international conference “The logics of persuasion between anthropology and rhetoric”, 19-20 April 2018, University of Palermo, Palermo (Italy).

Other interventions

  • “Drawing Jurisdictions. Sovereignty and Government in Tuvalu”, paper presented at the Tavola 3, “Soluble Geographies of the Equatorial Pacific”, a series of online conferences organized by Ocean Archive, 17th June 2020;
  • “Is there State beyond territory?”, paper presented at the 5th session (“Fluid Territories”) of Ocean Commons – Reclaiming the common, an art-science educational initiative by TBA-21 Academy, 24th March 2021.

From French into Italian:

  • Isabelle Stengers, Nel tempo delle catastrofi. Resistere alla barbarie a venire, N. Manghi (ed.), Torino, Rosenberg & Sellier, 2021;
  • Edgar Morin, La fraternità, perché?, Roma, AVE, 2020;
  • Michel Agier, Antropologia della città, Verona, Ombre Corte, 2020;
  • Michel Agier, La giungla di Calais. I migranti, la frontiera e il campo, Verona, Ombre Corte, 2019;
  • Bruno Latour, “Modernizzare o ecologizzare? Alla ricerca della settima città”, in Id., Essere di questa terra. Guerra e pace al tempo dei conflitti ecologici, N. Manghi (ed.), Torino, Rosenberg & Sellier, 2019, 39-64;
  • Bruno Latour, “L‟Antropocene e la distruzione dell‟immagine del globo”, in Id., Essere di questa terra. Guerra e pace al tempo dei conflitti ecologici, N. Manghi (ed.), Torino, Rosenberg & Sellier, 2019, 121-148.

From English into Italian:

  • Isabelle Stengers, La sfida della politica ontologica, “Aut aut”, 391, 59-95;
  • Philippe Descola, Pluralismo ontologico e diversità culturale, “Aut aut”, 391, 8-24;
  • Bruno Latour, “Perché la critica ha finito il carburante? Dalle matters of fact alle matters of concern”, in Id., Essere di questa terra. Guerra e pace al tempo dei conflitti ecologici, N. Manghi (ed.), Torino, Rosenberg & Sellier, 2019, 65-96;
  • Bruno Latour, “L‟agency al tempo dell‟Antropocene”, in Id., Essere di questa terra. Guerra e pace al tempo dei conflitti ecologici, N. Manghi (ed.), Torino, Rosenberg & Sellier, 2019, 97-120;
  • Bruno Latour, “Guerra e pace al tempo dei conflitti ecologici”, in Id., Essere di questa terra. Guerra e pace al tempo dei conflitti ecologici, N. Manghi (ed.), Torino, Rosenberg & Sellier, 2019, 149-166.

Language skills

  • talian: native speaker
  • English: fluent
  • French: fluent
  • Spanish: beginner
  • Tuvaluan: beginner